October 23, 2011

Some Good News and Bad News

Hello everyone!  :)  I hope everyone has had a fantastic October so far.  I have some news I'd like to share with you;

Good news:  Some new cards are available for purchase!  The Hawk Rider bundle and the new Super Bundle (gosh, I love that giraffe pet)!  Both can be found at Walmart and GameStop, respectively.  ;)

Bad news:  I'm afriad that the lack of blogging from me will continue.  I'm out of crowns and I won't be able to refill them until Christmas.  So for two-ish months, expect very little from me.  :(  However, I'll still be hanging around the community on Twitter, so don't be too sad.  :P

Alura Duskblade out!

October 3, 2011

What Time Is It?

Today marks the start of Halloween Fest in the Spiral!  Grab your pumpkins, grab your wands, and give the quests and towers a go!

Bad news:  Wizard101 isn't working for me at the moment.   I'd love to take pictures of the Towers and new pets, but that'll have to wait until I can fix things.

Edit: Fixed!  :D  Some awesome pets for sale via Spooky Bob, especially the Ghost Dragon!  It comes with a Summon Death Minion card.

Duskblade out!

October 1, 2011

Happy October and Gear-a-Palooza!

Hello everyone!  Soon Halloween events will come into the Spiral!  :D  I remember being a little level 15-er, doing the hard tower with Grandmaster friends (as mentioned in this post), dying on the final boss.  XD

Gear-a-Palooza is coming up as well!  I'm not looking forward to this Palooza as much, but it'll still be worth it.  The October newsletter said it'll start on the 6th, so get ready for some contests coming your way!  

(Oh look, a new blog poll~!  Go answer it!)

Duskblade out!