December 31, 2010


And it's New Year's Eve, and MMXI will be here soon!  Whoot!  And I have some guests coming soon.   =3

Also remember how I said that Lord Kitty likes eating boots?  Well, here's the proof:
I hope you can get a Kitty-proof pair when you next go to the Bazaar, Jen...

Quote of the Blog Post:
This was in my dream! We shouldn't go to the market today.
 Why, what happens in your dream? 
Food eats people! ... Also, Momo could talk. You said some very unkind things.
~ Avatar: The Last Airbender

Yeah, Tavia?
You should probably tell the readers what the Roman numerals mean.
Ah, good point!  'MMX' is 2010 in Roman numeral, and 'MMXI' is 2011.  ^_^

December 28, 2010

Mwahahahahaha! >:D

I got this awesome broom from a friend of mine...  You know who you are!  ;)

Just something silly that happened between Rebecca and I:
(I lacked the knowledge of how to spell 'spahgetti', so I used pasta instead.  XD )

A battle against those pesky Gearheads... 

Anyway, I'm still not very far in Marleybone, thanks to the lack of sidewalks.  Hopefully my broom will help me with that.

Quote of the Blog Post:
"The funny thing about old wallpaper is, put some lasagna over it and you've got trash. And that's why I have a lot of trash no old wallpaper."
~ Clyde, Animal Crossing

December 26, 2010

A Day Late...

Christmas was yesterday, as everyone knows.  I just want to say 'Merry Cristmas' to those who actually bother reading...  Heheh...
Wow, this is probably the shortest post I've ever seen.
Thanks Val.  I_I  Meet my life student, Valdis Lifemask.  Be careful; he's a bit rude.

December 16, 2010

Just a 'Myth'...

I (finally) got my hands on a gift card, beat Krokopatra, and went on to Marlybone.  The pet I got was an adorable little Arctic Cat name 'Lord Kitty'. (Beware, he has a habit of eating shoes...)

To top off the awesomeness, I got a Myth house!  I actually took some picture of my friend Jen and I hanging in my lawn:

Here's a fancy, more formal version:


And for the 'Quote of the Blog Post:

Yeah, I won't bother putting the credit on here...  XD

December 11, 2010


SNOW HAS COME TO MY AREA OF AMERICA!!!  *pumps fist*  (I live in the north...  Snow usually comes around November.)

Christmas is here too!  I'm excited for school break, family, and presents...  But I hate having Christmas songs getting stuck in your head ... And having them stay there until May.  (It was 'Jingle Bells', btw.)

Quote of the Blog Post:
"This village is full of idiots."
~ Midna, The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

(PS:  Beware of Donna and her frying pan.  She'll smite you.)

December 3, 2010

o.0 o.0 o.0 *twitches*

Hello, Destiny here.  Since Alura's a bit busy spazzing over a theory she has about a certain TV show at the moment, she put me in charge of today's post.

She didn't put you in charge, though.

No, she didn't, but she'd probably go off, ranting.  You know her.  It would scare the readers away.

 *twitchtwitch*  o.0  Ehhhhhh...  Zo-

Anyways...  Alura made a new blog heading.  Silly how she has the want to keep making new ones.

 Quote of the Blog Post:
"Oi, sometimes you're such a girl."
"What do you mean 'sometimes'?" 
~Kingdom Hearts, Birth by Sleep

See you later everyone.. Hopefully Alura's sane by next post.
 ...  I-I'm perfectly sane...  ...  *shudders*

November 27, 2010

Of Which I Took Too Long

Wow...  Haven't been on Blogger in awhile!  XD  Lol, just been doing stuff on some other sites.  I also have no crowns (I'm not a suscriber; I buy places), so I can't continue any farther.

Anyway, here's a picture I drew!  (And yes, I changed my hat!)

Not the best in the world...  I could have done better.  *shrugs*

Quote of the Blog Post:
"Eat dung, Umbridge!"
~Poster from the DA, Harry Potter

(BTW...  Wizard101 = Card games... On broomsticks.)

November 9, 2010

*kicks 4Kids TV*

I'm starting off this posting with a quick rant  *stands on soapbox*:
*whispers* Where did she get the box? 
 Forget that, since when does she rant?
For those who don't know 4Kids, they used to be a TV station, before they lost rights to a BUNCH of TV shows (their only 'decent' anime dub, Pokemon, was one of them).  They still do dubs for some other anime, but they're AWFUL. 

Pushing THAT aside, I BEAT KROCKHOTEP!!!

~Quote of the Blog Post~
~Tyson, Percy Jackson & the Olympians

November 6, 2010


New clothes! (Again.) I thought that since I was having a hard time with battles, higher level clothes would help me... I kept my boots, though. XD

I also added some more music on my player gadget. *pokes at sidebar*

And it's two months until Christmas... o.O What. (Yes, I didn't but the exclaimation mark ('!') at the ending... Shame on my bad grammer. XD )

It's geting colder though.

Posted by PicasaYes, mistress of stating the obvious...  (They'll probably be staying around for awhile...  -_-''')

No quote today!  D:  (Yeah, my brain is dead.)

October 30, 2010

Almost Halloween...

(It's tomorrow...  :P )  My costume is close to done!  =3  I'd take a picture of my mask, but all the good cameras in the house aren't mine...  XD


Ugh, what is it Destiny?

Aren't you going to mention us?

What?  No, they don't even know who you two are-

One of your first posts had a picture of Tavia.

Please don't drag me into this...

Fine.  Everyone, I have two other characters:  One I mentioned before, Tavia Deathfinder.  She's a Death student.  And the other is Destiny Stardust, an Ice student.  ...  Happy?


Quote of the Post:
"You fancy me mad.  Madmen know nothing."
~ Edgar Allen Poe, The Tell-Tale Heart

October 27, 2010

Picture and Other Stuff...

Okay guys.  Meh best friend ever has a blog, and she drew a picture of me.  It can be found here!  =3

UGH!  I know I'm going to get some weird looks from the Magi, Masters, Grandmasters, etc, but I'm stuck on the Emperor's Retreat...  Curse you Krokotep!  D:<

I'm starting a "Quote of the Blog Post", so you get another every post...  Most of the time.
~Quote of the Blog Post~
"The king is throwing a party at the palace tonight for his pet bear."
"Don't you mean platypus bear?"
"No, it just says 'bear.'"
"Certainly you mean his pet skunk bear?"
"Or his armadillo bear?"
"Gopher bear?"
"Just... 'bear.'" 
"This place is weird."
~Avatar: The Last Airbender

October 23, 2010


I added a playlist on here this morning...  It's filled with some of my favorite songs.  (Erm, you might not like about half of the songs if you don't like anime themes...  :P  Heheh... )

Only a week and a day until Halloween!  =3  

October 21, 2010

*Does the Dance of Joy*

Why? This is why:
1. New blog heading!  (I still had my old clothes on in that one... XD)
2. I (after several weeks of failing brainstorms) found out my Halloween costume!  It's the Black Rose Witch!
3. I have some new followers!  Thanks, you guys!  =3  (And I give you all pudding since I don't have rootbeer, but I'm all out of that too!  D: )

October 14, 2010

Story time!  =3  I hope you all enjoy it:

  It was raining. Usually, that means someone is having an emotional breakdown or dying. Joy, my dream was starting out oh-so-well.
A dark castle stood in front of me. An insignia of a skull decorated the door.
Death, death, death...
Don't open it, I thought. What could be more suspicious than an evil looking door? But my body didn't listen. It wanted me to see what was past the wood and stone.
I grabbed the silver knob, and the door creaked open.
Death, death, death...
The first thing I heard was sobbing. Terrible, pitiful sobbing. It reminded me of cries from a kitten when it loses its mother, only not so high pitched.
The sound pulled me closer, and I rounded to a hallway.
Death, death, death...
The hallway was lit with torches made of bones, and the fire was bright green like nuclear waste. The tile was obsidian black, and the walls shone with a dark, rainbow shimmer. Stained glass showed images of skeletons, and a cloaked figure carrying a scythe.
Death, death, death...
All of a sudden, the ground begin to tremble. The tile began to splinter apart, and glass was cracking. A painful howl shook the air.
The images shattered. Two figures floated eerily before me.
The first one glowed faintly. As she tried grabbed my hands, the second figure shook its head.
No. You are not allowed to touch the living while they visit here. The second figure then took the first by the hand, and began to lead her away. She didn't struggle. She just looked at me sadly.
Please, she begged. Save him.
As the two of them began to fade, I had the strangest feeling I was going to see the two of them again.
Death, death, death...

What do you guys think?  Comment!

October 9, 2010

*Whacks Heartless with Pumpkinhead*

(Not that kind of Pumpkinhead...)*

And so Halloween is here!  =3  I was spending most of my later morning hanging with two of my grandmaster friends in the hard tower...  We died.  D:

I think the voids are out to get me.  0.o

Question:  Who wants to hear my story?  I've been working on it a bit...  I might post it tomorrow or Monday.  (Columbus Day.  No school.  Awesomeness.)

*(Kingdom Hearts reference)

October 8, 2010

Mwehehe... :3

I got new clothes!  :P  They don't have the best of stats, but they look uber cool!  (And bad stats is the key to learning strategy in this game...  For me, at least.  XD) 

This is my friend and I fighting together!  (I think I'm just going to use sandstorm...) :

(Dang voids and their creeping me out...)

I also want you guys to meet Chance, my heckhound...

And my new dragon, Vaden:

(I'm usually with Gigi, my black/gold dragon you see in my heading and the above pictures most of the time.)

And Celestia is out on the Test Realm!  But seriously:  Celestia?  Sure, they made the powers of the sun, moon, and stars, but shouldn't they be living in the sky?  ('Celestial' has do do with the sky, for those who don't know.)

October 5, 2010


Hi everyone!  ...  Er, what?  The bag on the counter?  With chocolate in it?  I. I *pushes bag behind me*  (You saw nothing!) 
(Lol, I was bored, and I wanted to get into that Halloween spirit....  :P  It didn't take me long, either.)

Aaand it's raining for the second week in a row.  *headdesk*  -_-

October 3, 2010

Story? (Yeah, you've probably heard this about a dozen times)

I've been beginning to right a story right now. It's Wizard101, like a couple hundred others you've seen on blogs, but I think you'd might enjoy this one. :) I'll type more the story down on Word for a few days, and then post it.

*pushes business aside* I'd like to thank Donna Spell Thorn for being my first follower! =D I was planning on giving her a glass of rootbeer, but I have none. So... *gives pudding*

September 30, 2010

Nooooo! *headdesk*

My box of malted milk balls ran out.  TT.TT  *sniffles*

On a happier note, it's almost Friday!  =D That means I don't have to get up at 6 in the morning, go on the stinky bus, go to Tech Ed... I don't have to go to school...

Anyway, I'm super excited for tomorrow, the first day of October!  A fellow wizard *pokes Donna* told me the whole shabang about Halloween on Wizard...  *sighs* The things you don't know when you're new... -_-"'

September 29, 2010

I had too much fun with this...

I took some pictures on Wizard a few days ago.  This one is of Tavia Deathfinder, my other Wizard.
(Yeah, I did the same trick on this one has my blog heading...  I love art programs.  =3)

September 28, 2010

First post *cue Zelda fanfare*

Hey everyone!  ...  Okay, I really don't know what to say for my introduction... Oh well.

Any of you finished the Selena quest?  I had "Round and Round" stuck in my head ALL DAY because of the that.  (Darn catchy lyrics...)  X(